Student Ministry

The purpose of our Student Ministry is to invite everyone into a relationship with Jesus, EQUIP them through encouragement and fellowship, CHALLENGE them to grow and discover God’s vision, and SEND them into the world to reach others.

Student Ministry: 6th — 12th Grades
Wednesdays 6:15 — 8:05

Here at Commonground...

We believe that the youth are an integral part of this church. As adults, we have the responsibility to help youth grow in their faith and become fruitful members of the congregation and community.

Our youth can be leaders in the church now and they will certainly be our future leaders too. We have the responsibility to help youth grow spiritually, emotionally and socially. With this balance and a sound foundation in Christ, we will have committed leaders for tomorrow's church.

Why Join A Youth Group?

  • It provides a way for youth to actively participate in the church.
  • It establishes an organization where youth can have fun and fellowship with others their own age.
  • It teaches youth in a creative fashion about Jesus, His church and living as a Christian.
  • It provides a structure around which youth can form their value systems under Christian guidelines.
  • It provides a sense of belonging and develops a Servant mind-set.
  • It provides youth with a constructive outlet for their energy and social-growth needs.
  • It assists the church in areas where help is needed.

So, what does it all mean?

First it comes from the Great Commandment & the Great Commission:
(Matt. 22: 37- 40 & 28: 19-20)

How scripture ties in with our purpose statement?
“Love the Lord your God with all of your heart” – Worship
“Love your Neighbor as your self” – Ministry
“Go and make disciples” – Evangelism
“Baptizing them” – Fellowship
“Teaching them to obey” – Discipleship

So, why do we exist? What is our purpose?

Every time we meet we are focusing on a combination of the following:

  • Purpose of Evangelism – Matt. 28:19-20 & Acts 1:8

    Evangelism is sharing the good news of Jesus with those who don’t yet have a personal relationship with Him. Jesus’ last words remind us to carry out His plan. (Acts 1:8)
    (This is everyone’s responsibility – not just adult leaders – it is a privilege)

  • Purpose of Worship – Rom. 12:1

    We define worship as celebrating God’s presence and honoring Him with our lifestyle. It goes so much more than just singing praise songs. Worship is when we pray in our circle group, when we baptize, partake in the Lord’s supper, when we hear his word, when we give an offering, etc…

  • Purpose of Fellowship – Eph. 2:19

    True fellowship happens when students are known, cared for, held accountable, and encouraged in their spiritual journey. ‘Fellowship’ is just not going go- carting and calling that fellowship, though fellowship can occur. Often though, groups can go overboard on this and lose sight of evangelism and discipleship and only focus on other believers excluding the unbelieving world and then the group looks no more than a holy huddle or Christian clique.

  • Purpose of Discipleship – Hebrews 6:1

    What is discipleship? It is helping students become more like Christ, whether that is helping them overcome an eating disorder, or helping them understand the book of John. Discipleship is the building up or strengthening of believers. Hebrews 6 tells us to leave behind the elementary teachings and go on to maturity.

  • Purpose of Ministry – Eph. 4: 11-12 1st Peter 2:9-10

    Ministry is meeting needs in love. God has blessed everyone with special gifts to be used for ministry. When the purpose of ministry is applied, we will graduate student ministers rather program attendees. Student ministers won’t graduate from their faith when they move on.
